Blogs, Resources
Design vs. Draft: Unraveling What Exactly an Architect Does
Sometimes we get a call for work, and the potential client says, “I need someone to draft some plans”. We can tell ...
Blogs, Featured Properties, Resources
Sustainable Design: From Concept to Rendering to 3D in One Week
Encore Sustainable Architects is no novice at quick turns on envisioning plans for an adaptation of an existing building, or design of ...
Blogs, Featured Properties, News
Maryland Historical Trust Honors Project with Excellence in Commercial/Institutional Rehabilitation Award
As part of Preservation Month (May 2022), the Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) presented awards for noteworthy accomplishments in the preservation field, recognizing ...
Blogs, Events, Resources
Panel Discussion: Restoring Community: Preservation as an Economic Driver
Encore Sustainable Architects Ward Bucher moderated a panel at the 2022 Maryland Economic Development Association (MEDA) Annual Conference. The theme of this ...
Blogs, Featured Properties, News
CASA de Maryland Project Wins Preservation Maryland Award
Encore Sustainable Architects is delighted to share that the Belnord Theatre project conducted for client, CASA de Maryland, has won a Preservation ...
Blogs, Featured Properties
100,000 Hours of Preservation Architecture
At the 1,400-year old Kongō Gumi temple building company in Japan, craftsmen learned a single skill, such as sawing or chiseling, and ...