
The Star Spangled Banner House

Located at the intersection of Albemarle and East Pratt Streets in Baltimore, the Star Spangled Banner Flag House was built in 1793 ...

Horace Willson House Move

The historic Horace Wilson House is important for its associations with many of Clarksburg’s leading citizens during the 19th century. Dr. Willson ...

Maryland State Historic Tax Credit Winners Announced

Encore is very proud that our application for the Belnord Theater project resulted in the project being awarded $2 Million+ in state ...

Overlapping Concepts of Historic Preservation and Sustainability

The concepts of sustainability and historic preservation are ultimately concerned with how our current actions will effect the lives of future generations.  ...

Maryland Historic Tax Credits Webinar

Hosted by Preservation Maryland, Nakita Reed & Ward Bucher led a webinar on the  Maryland historic tax credits available at the state ...

Dictionary of Building Preservation Celebrates 21 Years

Ward published the Dictionary of Building Preservation in 1996.  It's been 21 years and this dictionary is the gift that continues to ...
