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Design vs. Draft: Unraveling What Exactly an Architect Does
Sometimes we get a call for work, and the potential client says, “I need someone to draft some plans”. We can tell ...
Blogs, Featured Properties, Resources
Menokin: Fiercely Ambitious 18th Century Historic Construction
The Wall Street Journal called the Menokin project “…the most fiercely ambitious historic restoration project in America today.” The project includes stabilizing ...
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Rededication of Restored Asbury United Methodist Church
At the end of 2023, Encore Sustainable Architects was delighted to celebrate with their clients, Historic Easton, and Church members and friends ...
Blogs, Featured Properties, News
Easton Mural Reimagines Frederick Douglass in the 21st Century
As most public art is meant to do, the new Frederick Douglass mural in Easton, Maryland encourages conversation, inspires us to ask ...
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Seven Tips for Writing Historic Grant Applications for the Maryland Heritage Areas Program
Joe Wojciechowski, AIA, Encore Sustainable Architects (2023 MHAA grant reviewer) This past year, Encore Architect Joe Wojciechowski had the privilege of being ...
Blogs, Featured Properties
Open Door: Spar-king Interest in The Hawley-Hutzler Front Doors
The imposing pair of paneled doors at the front entrance of the Hawley-Hutzler House are three-feetwide, eight-feet tall and three-inches thick. The ...