50 Years of Great Architecture and Engineering

  • Serving the Mid-Atlantic Region
  • Award-winning Architecture
  • Historic Preservation and Tax Credits
  • Sustainability Design Innovation

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We believe that more buildings deserve 
an encore.

The Art of The Possible

Encore Sustainable Architects is ready to partner with you to find possibilities and make them real.

Predesign services unearth the possibilities then our architectural, sustainability, and preservation services bring them to life. Our practical resources and advice keep them grounded and affordable.

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Encore Sustainable Design Maryland Small Business Reserve

Small Business, Big Impact

Combining sustainability and historic preservation can be challenging when trying to coordinate multiple consultants. Encore Sustainable Architects provides access to a specialized, full-service team as well as the ability to meet Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) objectives.

Encore Sustainable Architects is a Maryland accredited SBE. Our staff includes registered architects, preservationists, and LEED APs who are able to navigate the process to get your project completed quickly and efficiently with a wealth of innovative thinking.


Resources & News


Opening a Business in a Historic Building  

Owner Ajay Patel, Montgomery County Executive Marc Erlich and Lead Architect Ward Bucher at the grand opening of Clarksburg Beer ...

Design vs. Draft: Unraveling What Exactly an Architect Does

Sometimes we get a call for work, and the potential client says, “I need someone to draft some plans”. We ...

Menokin: Fiercely Ambitious 18th Century Historic Construction

The Wall Street Journal called the Menokin project “…the most fiercely ambitious historic restoration project in America today.” The project ...