Casa de Maryland


The restoration of the McCormick-Goodhart Mansion turned a badly damaged, vacant, historic property into a thriving Multicultural Center that serves the immigrant community. The construction work included restoration of exterior and historic interior spaces, adaptive use of service and storage areas, and an underground addition. This required work on every part of the existing building: site work, structure, finishes, and mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems.

We strategically included sustainable features in the project without destroying the building’s historic character. The architect helped obtain historic tax credits to fund 60% of this project. All work met or exceeded the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards, and was approved by the National Park Service, state and the county agencies.

The project has Gold LEED certification from the US Green Building Council. The extensive use of green features is saving energy and water, and reducing pollution.

Received the Maryland Historic Trust Project Excellence Award, the Prince George’s County Historical Society St. George’s Day Award and the J. Timothy Anderson Award for Excellence in Historic Rehabilitation, Most Innovative Adaptive Re-Use.


2013 Altrustic Project of the Year- USGBC MD

2012 Historic Preservation Design Excellence Award of Honor – AIA VA Society

2012 Institutional Award – AIA Potomac Valley Chapter

2011 Project Excellence Award – Maryland Historical Trust

2011 Award for Restoration – PG County Historical Society St. George’s Day Award