The Maulsby Row House


Built in 1885, this shotgun style, detached row house was built as one of 13 tenant homes on Maulsby Avenue in what is believed to be the first speculative development in Bel Air, Maryland.  Designed initially to house railroad workers, the neighborhood went into decline when the railroad ceased to run through the area.

Today, Bel Air has become home for a variety of professions due to surrounding farmland and the proximity of the Aberdeen Proving Ground, and the row house now finds itself in a neighborhood of revitalization.

The Maulsby Avenue row houses were designed and built very simply with nearly no decoration, and the majority of them remain nearly unaltered.  This property has been updated with shutters and porch railing. Encore’s work begins at foundation level, with a new concrete floor addition to the original stone and dirt floored cellar. Linton Engineering, a long-time partner on projects with Encore Sustainable Architects, will provide engineering services.